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Trailblazing solutions for your financial security

About us

Smart Wealth – Managing your investments with precision

As pioneers of Artificial Intelligence in the financial market, we have been bringing together science, technology, and capital market experience for over 20 years to provide investors with even better solutions for safe, efficient, and high-return investments.


Our Story

The financial world is undergoing significant change while the range of services on offer becomes increasingly unclear. Asset managers with traditional approaches compete with embryonic technologies from new market providers. One is often inefficient while the other promises sizable returns that come at the price of considerable risk. Without tenure of acute financial crises from past decades, it is too soon for many to evidence a proven track record of sound financial management. This can result in weaknesses in approaches that could quickly put undue pressure on investors' assets.

Finding the right offer in an increasingly complex market shouldn’t be this tough. You deserve portfolio management you can trust to secure your finances, accumulate assets, provide for your retirement and protect your wealth.

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Only what can be quantified can be controlled

Our journey with artificial intelligence and self-learning algorithms began more than 20 years ago, with a goal of making increasingly reliable predictions of future price developments in financial markets to optimize portfolios in the shortest possible time.

While at Siemens in 2001, we developed what has become Smart Wealth technology, delivering first-class results available to banks, family offices, and asset managers worldwide ever since. We fine-tuned our technology over two decades and continually surpassing the already sensational results to the delight of our clients.

In 2016, we founded the Zurich-based asset manager Smart Wealth to offer those clients demanding asset security and stable returns at attractive conditions, with a honorable, credible, and first-class asset management. Based on our many year's experiences of portfolio and capital market management, as well as indisputable results, we are convinced that all investor groups, not only institutional investors, should benefit from Smart Wealth technology.

We believe every investor should be able to plan his or her own financial future and receive clear statements on the expected target return for their portfolio at any time. Investors have a right to excellent asset management that unquestionably covers their interests and needs, and provides a legacy for future generations.

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03Our goal

Smarter analysis to maximise security and yield

We support investors with the analysis and optimization of portfolios, as well as the prediction of future market developments.

By helping people achieve the best possible results in investing, we aim to create and increase wealth and assets for all - individuals, society, and our sustainable environment.

Active in markets worldwide

Smart Wealth technology was originally developed to address the increasingly complex investment challenges faced by pension funds and insurance companies, as well as to support decision-makers in the treasury departments of large corporations. Inspired by these successes, we now work tireless for a wide range of clients and wealth managers - including family offices, asset managers, independent advisors, and private banks around the world.

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04Our History
1999 - 2001

Scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence in capital markets at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.

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Our Team

Expertise meets investor needs

As pioneers in AI-based asset management, we have been helping our institutional clients to successfully manage significant assets for many years. We understand what matters in order to get the best results. We combine expert knowledge, modern technology, and the very best people to continually break the mold and achieve outstanding results.

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Dr. Miró Mitev

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
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Martin Velten

Chief Operating Officer
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Cyrill Escher

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Melanie Kottas von Heldenberg

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Marc Delnon

Head Strategic Development
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Dr. Avi Rapaport

Portfolio Management
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Kyung-Tae Jung

Representative South Korea
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Yousuf Khoory

Representative UAE
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Christina Jahn

Senior Relationship Manager
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Hyunjin Woo

Representative in South Korea
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Daniel Au

Senior Adviser Greater China
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Vadim Smirnov

Senior Relationship Manager
smartwealth close iconOur TeamDr. Miró Mitev-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Miró Mitev

Dr Miró Mitev is the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Smart Wealth.  He is overseeing the investment management process and is responsible for strategy and product development.

Dr Mitev studied Economics with a major in Investment Banking.  He received his master's degree in Finance and Business Administration from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. He completed his doctoral studies in Economics with a focus on Operations Research and received his PhD from Karl-Franzens-University in Graz. 

Dr Mitev has more than 20 years of professional experience in asset management and banking. He earned a reputation as a pioneer for artificial intelligence and digitalisation of asset management with his master thesis "Application of artificial neural networks and style investing for asset selection in the modern portfolio management using the example of the Austrian Equity market" in 2000, where he provided a ground-breaking work for the application of artificial intelligence in portfolio management. Master thesis download

In his dissertation in 2003 "A Systematic Investment Process for Alternative and Traditional Investment Strategies" Dr Mitev presented for the first time a fully automated, integrated, and digitalised investment process as the forerunner of today's Robo-advisors. Dissertation download

Between 2002 and 2004 Dr Mitev was a co-lecturer for the application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic in the forecasting of financial markets course at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.

After graduation, Dr Mitev became a quantitative analyst in the investment banking industry. Later in his career, he joined a leading global technology conglomerate where he assumed a management role as Head of Securities Research &Portfolio Management, being primarily responsible for the development of financial forecasting and optimisation technology. Leading the international expert team of engineers, portfolio managers, mathematicians, analysts, and scientists, Dr Mitev laid the foundation for combining applied science with asset management. The proprietary technology developed under his guidance and oversight was successfully used by pension fund managers, asset managers and hedge fund managers as well as investment banks worldwide. Dr Mitev led his team’s collaboration with leading investment banks, resulting in the successful development and implementation of the world’s first investment products that were based on forecasting and optimisation using artificial intelligence at their core.

Throughout his tenure, Dr Mitev had also extensively promoted scientific collaboration with leading universities and supervised numerous graduate and postdoctoral students writing their master's thesis and dissertations on financial forecasting.

Dr Mitev has been a frequent speaker at international conferences and his articles have appeared in various professional publications.

In 2009 Dr Mitev and part of his team joined a leading pan-European asset manager, where they continued further development of forecasting and optimisation technology. In his role as Head of Structured Solutions & ETFs, Dr Mitev was responsible for and oversaw the development of proprietary strategy indices as well as the structuring and launch of Smart-Beta ETFs.

In a subsequent management buy-out, Dr Mitev span off the index business and founded the independent index boutique, iQ-FOXX Indices Ltd, which offered state-of-the-art smart beta indices, forecasting and optimisation services to fund managers, banks and other institutional clients.

In 2016, following a strategic decision to enter the asset management business, Dr Mitev founded the independent asset management firm, Smart Wealth, incorporated in Zürich with the vision to utilise the proprietary forecasting and optimisation technology which he developed over the last 20 years, now providing superior asset management for a broader client base not only institutional investors, but also Family Offices including his and his partner’s families, Ultra and High Net Worth Individuals, asset managers, and other private and professional investors.

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