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FIDLEG Client Information

Based on the legal requirements of Art. 8 ff. of the Financial Services Act, we would like to supply you with this information sheet which provides an overview of Smart Wealth Asset Management AG (hereinafter referred to as the "Financial Institution") and its services.


A. Company information




Bellerivestrasse 18

8008 / Zurich

Telephone: +41 549 55 85




The Financial Institution was established in 2016.


Supervisory authority and audit firm

As of 23.02.2022, the financial institution is authorised on the basis of the Financial Institutions Act (FINIG) within the meaning of Art. 2 para. 1 lit. A in conjunction with Art. 5 para. 1 FINIG. Art. 5 para. 1 FINIG for the professional activity as an investment manager. The financial institution is supervised on an ongoing basis by AOOS - Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für Aufsicht.

The financial institution is audited and reviewed by the auditing company Grant Thornton AG both in terms of supervision and obligations. The address of AOOS - Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für Aufsicht and Grant Thornton AG can be found below.


Information about the supervisory organisation:

AOOS - Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für Aufsicht

Clausiusstrasse 50

CH-8006 Zürich

+41 44 215 98 98


Information the Audit Firm:

Grant Thornton AG

Dufourstrasse 49

CH-4052 Basel

+41 79 273 98 56  



Smart Wealth is affiliated with the independent ombudsman office, OFS Ombud Finance Suisse, which is recognized by the Federal Department of Finance. Disputes concerning legal claims between the customer and the financial services provider should be settled by an ombudsman's office, if possible, within the framework of a mediation procedure.

The address of OFS Ombud Finance Suisse is stated below.



16 Boulevard des Tranchees

1206 Genf

+41 22 808 04 51


B. Information on the offered financial services

The financial institution provides asset management services to its clients.


The financial institution also provides financial services for structured products such as actively managed certificates (AMCs). For further information on the various actively managed certificates, the general risks, specifications, and operating procedures, please refer to the relevant term sheets and factsheets on this website.


The financial institution does not guarantee any yield nor performance of investment activities.  The investment activity can therefore lead to an appreciation in value and to a depreciation in value.


The financial institution has the necessary licenses to perform the above services.


C. Client Segmentation

Financial service providers are required to classify their customers into a client segmentation as legally established.   The Financial Services Act provides for "retail customers", "professional customers" and "institutional customers" segments. For each customer, a customer classification is determined within the framework of the cooperation with the financial institution. Subject to certain conditions, the customer may change the customer classification by opting in or opting out.


D.    Information on risks and costs


General risks associated with financial instruments transactions.

 The investment advisory and asset management services involve financial risks. The financial institution shall provide all clients with the " Risks associated with Financial Instruments Transactions" brochure prior to the execution of the contract.  This brochure can also be found at


Clients of the financial institution may contact their client advisor at any time if they have any further questions.


Risks associated with the offered services.

For a description of the various risks that may arise from the investment strategy for clients’ assets, please refer to the relevant Investment Advisory or Asset Management Agreements.

In the case of investment advice, the financial institution shall provide its retail clients with the basic information sheet of the recommended financial instrument.


Information on costs

A fee is charged for the services rendered, which is usually calculated on the assets under management and/or on a performance basis. For more detailed information, please refer to the relevant Asset Management Agreements.


E.    Information about relationships with Third Parties

In connection with the financial services offered by the financial institution, commercial relationships with third parties may exist. The acceptance of payments from third parties and their treatment are detailed governed in the respective Asset Management Agreements.


F.     Information on the market offer considered

The financial institution basically follows an "open universe approach" and tries to make the best possible choice for the client when selecting financial instruments. The financial institution's own AMCs can - where appropriate - be used in the asset management mandates.