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Protect your wealth even if the wind shifts on the markets

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The problem

Riding the Storm: How Smart Wealth Navigates Crises and Delivers Superior Returns

It can be easy to outshine others with performance in a rising market, but many asset managers who over-promise on performance come unstuck when the wind shifts in times of crisis. There are few who can demonstrate consistent efficacy over the long term as Smart Wealth can - and even fewer managers who have been able to stabilize this outperformance, even throughout volatile markets.

Smart Wealth believes superior performance is demonstrated most precisely in times of crisis.

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For 18 years, an annual excess return over the benchmark of 6.26% p.a. across all portfolios, and in our high-end product even more than 17% additional return per year

How we achieve the success that eludes others

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04Smart Wealth Solution
04 Smart Wealth Solution

Wealth management redefined

Optimal portfolios, tailored to your needs and your expectations. All calculations and decisions integrated on a state-of-the-art platform in a unique investment process:

buttonThe investment strategy
buttonAsset selection
buttonGenetic portfolio optimisation
buttonMarket-timing Risk management
smartwealth close iconSmart Wealth SolutionThe investment strategy

The investment strategy

Investors gain access to the global asset classes of bonds, equities, and commodities. The portfolios consist of very liquid assets, which are diversified and aim to deliver a stable return. The objective of our management approach is to maximize the expected portfolio return for a given risk level of the overall portfolio (volatility), taking into account proprietary information about the future returns of the individual instruments of the portfolio (forecast signal) and the return dependencies between all instruments of the portfolio (covariances) when calculating their optimal weighting in the portfolio. The fully integrated and systematic investment approach is designed to achieve above-average risk-adjusted-performance. Large price losses are reduced by over 50% compared to the passive benchmark combination of global bonds, equities, and commodities.

Why Smart Wealth is unique

The advantages of our algorithms at a glance:

Unleash your potential now


They weight the identified changes in the factors (also in relation to each other) through their own optimization process, taking into account the agreed investment guidelines and based on current and historical financial data.


They review daily forecasts of the future development of each instrument in the client portfolio and adjust the weighting according to the "highest return for the lowest risk" principle within the defined risk and return guidelines.


Our algorithms can be calibrated according to individual specifications to take account of investor preferences and individual investment priorities.


Our algorithms automatically and permanently check the current combination of factors through artificial intelligence so they can dynamically adjust themselves.


They allow the exclusion and deselection of individual self-optimization steps at the investor's request and have the flexibility to take the client's individual specifications into account during optimization.


They are traceable, reproducible and act exclusively 100% rule-based. Our algorithms are not a BLACKBOX.


They are well developed over time, in live use worldwide since 2004 returning above-average convincing results for institutional and professional investors.

06What makes Smart Wealth different

Science instead of speculation

Intelligent investing means using science-based strategies and approaches to efficiently and accurately achieve our clients' individual investment goals. Backed by research from Nobel Prize-winning scientists, our state-of-the-art forecasting technology was developed in early 2000 with an international team of world-class mathematicians, engineers, analysts and portfolio managers and has been continuously improved ever since. With decades of expertise, we build on rule-based and systematic approaches – nothing is left to chance.

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Portfolios for your wealth

The perfect portfolio for you and your wealth

We create the optimal portfolio for you, tailored to your individual needs, wishes and specifications. There is a selection of different target portfolios for different investment objectives. In addition to customised portfolios, investors also have the option of investing in our various high-end portfolios. Detailed analyses ensure you receive your optimal portfolio. And always at a fair cost.

Smart Wealth Investment Philosophy

The Smart Wealth's 6 fundamental principles


Treat clients' assets like those of your families and our own

As advisor, trustee and partner, we never compromise and always act solely in the mutual best interests of our clients and families.


Increase returns, reduce risks and lower fees

Removing the biggest obstacle to portfolio performance over time.


Consistent risk management to protect clients' wealth

It is not critical to be invested in every uptrend, but to avoid periods of large price losses.


Invest only in the most efficient portfolio

Get the highest possible expected return for each risk taken.


Diversify to improve the risk-return ratio

Broad diversification and consistent analysis of assets helps to reduce risk without compromising returns.


Optimisation based on personal risk tolerance

In investing, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Genetic optimisation is crucial for a tailor-made portfolio.

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